Using bird of prey falcons e.g. Harris Hawks, is a natural method of bird control and uses bird’s natural instincts of fear and flight thus moving nuisance birds such as seagulls or feral pigeons onwards to a different territory where they feel safer.

Very effective where bird proofing is not an option or ideal for:

  • Clearing large open spaces e.g. landfill or farmland sites with high populations of nuisance birds.
  • Clearing pest species away from a site prior to proofing.
  • Preventing nuisance birds from roosting or nesting.
  • Urban centres where proofing methods are unsuitable or access is restricted e.g. apartments, shopping centres, city centres commercial parks or industrial estates.

Pictured: Falconer, Neal handling Harris Hawk

Falconry response is subject to an environmental risk assessment to determine if it is safe to fly a bird of prey in a designated area.

For further information or advice call on (086) 812 0435 for a site survey.