Conservation Management - Services
Ecologica provides a wide range of range of conservation management services including:
- Bird nest boxes &bricksg. Barn Owl, Swallow, House Martin, Bee & Swift Bricks, Bat & Hedgehog Boxes
- Wildlife Surveysg. Atlas of Irish Mammals, Bird Watch Ireland Surveys, National Biodiversity Data Centre Butterfly Survey, Bat Surveys in conjunction with Bat Conservation Ireland, Bumblebee monitoring programme, Squirrel & Pine Martin Surveys
- Grey partridge re-introduction programme
- Invasive species monitoring &predator control programmes
- All Ireland pollinator plan
- Habitat management
- Wildflower & conservation crop management and advice
- Training & School Talks
Ecologica Environmental has a partner company: Gorteen Wildlife Conservation Trust-a charitable not-for-profit organisation promoting wildlife conservation and inspiring local communities to give wildlife a home. Our vision: to work for a better environment and countryside rich in wildlife.
We strive to protect wildlife and their habitats so that our communities are abundant with wildlife. We are passionate about providing wildlife with somewhere to shelter, feed and breed.
- We campaign for wildlife
- We protect natural habitats
- We educate the younger generation
- We work with communities and community stakeholders e.g. public-authorities, landowners, farmers, tidy-towns and gardeners
Call on (086) 812 0435 for information on wildlife conservation initiatives or your corporate and community projects.